Support us on Kickstarter

We have made a Kickstarter page in order to fund the project. If you want to support us, click here.

ForLife, An indie 3D prison-escape game

Forlife is a game that's being created by AlmaniacStudios. The game is, as the headline gave away, a 3D prisonescape game which has never been created before. We've gathered quite a few talented people to create this wonderful project with.

The game will have a completely unique combat system that has never been done before, stealth mechanics, crafting mechanics, a reputation system, gambling, stats, voice acting, gangs and a whole lot more so follow us on Twitter to keep updated on the most recent news!


The “First” blogpost

October 11, 2018

The most recent blog posts will be updated in this section, expect blogposts every week! 😀